March 1, 2015 Champlain Valley Agency on Aging Retains Brandthropology for Branding Work
We’ve been asked by CVAA (Champlain Valley Agency on Aging) to help better position the organization within the rapidly changing healthcare environment, as well as help them earn the credit they rightfully deserve for the many important services that they provide to seniors throughout Chittenden, Grand Isle, Franklin, and Addison Counties. We have already started the process of talking to their internal and external stakeholders, and will be sharing our SWOT analyses with the client in late April. The work is dovetailing with our efforts underway with the VNA of Chittenden and Grand Isle Counties. Part of the challenge for the organization is the breadth of target audiences that need to be addressed including area seniors, medical providers, the community, area funders and the legislative environment. We hope to be sharing the results of our work soon.