
Meet Our Brandthropologists

Matt Dodds

Chief Brandthropologist


Before forming Brandthropology, Inc., Matthew served as a global advertising executive in New York and throughout Asia. His marketing know-how was developed while serving in postings in New York, Korea, Japan, China and Singapore, where he worked for global advertising firms FCB, D’Arcy Masius Benton & Bowles, BBDO and McCann Erickson. Along the way, he helped define and implement marketing strategies for many of the world’s most sophisticated multi-national marketers, including P&G, Unilever, Gatorade, Exxon, Mars, General Motors, Visa, MasterCard, Goodyear, McDonald’s and Matt’s now enjoying bringing those marketing skills and disciplines to help clients enjoy growth and capitalize on their full potential.


Strategic Planning  |  Marketing Research  |  SWOT Analysis  |  Benefit Laddering  |  Concept Testing  |  Value Proposition Development  |  Brand Positioning  |  Identity System Development  |  Marketing Segmentation  |  Campaign Development  |  Creative Direction  |  Media Planning  |  Budgeting  |  Global Marketing


Anne Dodds

Media Brandthropologist


Our intricate media plans and budgets are reflections of our “marketing ecosystem” thinking, and managing them is no small task. Anne takes our creative visions and brings them to life with market and consumer-informed media plans and budgets to execute them effectively. She’s a big reason why we’ve become one of the market’s largest media buyers. Prior to working at Brandthropology, Anne served under Joe Colucci at the Genesis Group as a media planner, where she used Strata media buying software to manage some of Vermont’s largest media accounts, including McDonalds North Country Marketing Group (NY/VT/NH) General Motors GMC North Country Dealer Group and VSAC. Anne’s artistry isn’t limited to just media planning; during her time in Asia with Matt, she was the lead international consultant to the Samsung Galleries in Korea and later Consulting Editor for United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). She then went on to head the international wing of Nanjo and Associates — Tokyo’s most prestigious contemporary art curator.


Media Planning  |  Media Obj. & Strategy  |  Post Buy Analysis  |  Split Copy Testing  |  Make Good Provision  |  Out-of-Home Placements  |  Online Media Buying  |  Budgeting  |  Account Management  |  Online Recruiting  |  Strata  |  Arbitration Data  |  Nielson Data

Nel Korajkic

Interactive Brandthropologist


Nel is a digital maven, with broad experience across a variety of disciplines. He graduated from the University of Vermont with a B.A. in Computer Science, but his interest in web development and coding was sparked back in high school, when he realized Facebook didn’t have a dark mode, and decided to design one himself. His knowledge and passion for editing the web snowballed from there, and he still tinkers with it in his free time. Here at Brandthropology he works across multiple disciplines to manage UX (user experience) and IA (information architecture), crafting intelligent websites for our clients. In fact, this website right here is one of his labors of love. Pretty sweet, right?


Front End Development | HTML 5 | CSS 3 | Javascript ES6 | Responsive Website Design | Front End UI Frameworks (React.js, Vue.js) | Procedure Architecture | Technical Procedure Writing

Certifications & Skills:

Christian DeLuca

Interactive Brandthropologist


Christian brings his strong skill set from UVM where he is currently a senior. He will be receiving his BA in Computer Science. Coding and web design is not his only passion- he also enjoys solving puzzles, eating pasta with pesto and providing for his plant family. You wouldn’t know at first, but Christian is a very skilled biker. He chooses to travel the roads via bike in even the toughest of Vermont seasons. His interest in web design, development and coding sparked back in high school, when he realized coding is just one giant puzzle waiting to be solved. Here at Brandthropology, Christian manages multiple UX and IA disciplines, troubleshoots problems, and helps manage websites for our clients.


HTML 5 | CSS3 | Python | JavaScript | WordPress | Web Analytics | DNS Management | PHP | Responsive Design | Adobe Illustrator | Adobe Photoshop | Web Design | Third-party API Integrations

Amelia Dodds

Interactive Brandthropologist


The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Amelia is a student at UVM studying marketing and film, and is an integral part of our digital marketing team. She’s also the only one of us who can claim to be a former Lake Monster…well, staffer; she ran the “jumbo-tron” at the ball field last summer! Amelia’s innate understanding of marketing principles and strategy, her passion for film and her natural proclivity for social media marketing makes her a talented, reliable member of our social media team. She’s Google Ads certified and is a key figure in maintaining our clients’ paid search successes.


Social Media Management | Paid Search Strategies | Facebook Insights | Adobe Creative Suite | Project Management


Kyle Abrahams

Marketing Brandthropologist


Kyle is another one of our UVM-ers and brings a strong skill set to our team. This includes being HubSpot Inbound Marketing certified, Google Adwords certified, as well as having some serious pseudo coder skills from his classes in computer science. When Kyle is not stewarding various client projects he can be found with a good book. His bedside reading list? Of Mice and Men, The Devil in the White City, And the Hippos Were Boiled in Their Tanks, and last but not least Infinite Jest. Kyle is a native Vermonter and he loves his home state. But ask him about his bucket list and you’ll find “visiting every continent”, “going to a soccer (aka ‘football’) North London Derby at Emirates Stadium”, and “learning to fly a plane”. So the lad has some ambitions for travel. All in all, he’s a well-rounded person that brings a multitude of skills to our office & the clients we work for.

HubSpot Inbound Marketing Certified | Google Display Ads Certified | Google Search Ad Certified | Google AdWords | JavaScript | Python | WordPress | Adobe | Analytics | Brand Strategy and Positioning


Kate McAllister

Marketing Brandthropologist


Kate is a Marketing Intern here at Brandthropology. She is currently pursuing a Psychology degree at the University of Vermont with a Public Communication minor. She brings her adaptive thinking and creative ability to the team where she helps with the crazy diversity of projects. When she’s not at the office, she can be found either working out at REV Indoor Cycling or riding her horse, Bentley. Kate can be found listening to any early 2000 hits in order to psyche herself up before workouts. She credits her strong organization skills and determination to her horseback riding career which started at the young age of 5. She credits her favorite professor, Larry Rudiger, in fueling her interest in marketing and motivating her to declare a minor in the field.


Brand Strategy and Positioning | Video Production | Photography | WordPress


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